-Relational Evangelism: Getting to know others through everyday life in any circumstance or situation, build trust and friendship and present the gospel when the opportunity opens up to do so. 2024 was our first year here and we were able to present the Gospel to over 30 people and do follow up discipleship with them at least 3 to 4 times.
*Cell groups: This is to edify and build up one another to together be a holy dwelling for the Lord Jesus Christ and to submit every area of life under His lordship to be transformed into His glorious image. There is women's Bible Studies, men's Bible studies, and online Bible studies offered.
*Leadership Workshops: This is to equip, encourage, and capacitate brothers and sisters in Christ who have the desire to serve and reach out to the community with the gifts God has given them.
-ESL (English as a Second Language) classes: This currently is a ministry to Peruvian doctors who are doing medical campaigns in the Middle East.
-Medical Campaigns: This is a holistic ministry tending to the physical and spiritual needs of a community. These campaigns are only done through a complete team effort of the entire body of Christ to serve and show the love of Christ to the people in Peru.